How much is it costing you because you’re not getting the help your business needs?
Sometimes we all need a push in the right direction.
You started out with a great idea, and it just kept growing, and these days, you’re not sure whether you’re running the business, or it’s running you.
I’m not here to sell you on the value of coaching, or working with a business advisor. Oh no. If we’re being truthful, we both know that you wouldn’t be here at all if you didn’t already believe something has got to change, and the sooner, the better. I’m simply here to nudge you out of your procrastination position and get the show on the road. It’s time.
Let’s take an honest look at things:
You’re feeling trapped in your business
You’re paying yourself whenever you can afford it, and only what you think you can afford
You’re spending so much time working in the day-to-day operations of your business and you don’t have time to make a better plan
You’re stressed or overwhelmed by your customers
There are so many things you know you need to do, and no time to do them
Making payroll every month stresses you out
You’re behind on your taxes.
Seriously, you’re probably getting pretty tired of juggling it all and wondering if there isn’t a better way. There is!
As your business grows, running a business and keeping it successful needs a more streamlined approach, one that is uniquely tailored to your existing business, your resources and your capabilities. And by now you may be thinking that those non-productive business habits you’ve developed over the years could stand some changing too if you’re going to be successful.
Exhausted? Overwhelmed?
If you’re anything like the millions of small business owners around the world, you’re probably experiencing at least one, if not all, of these problems:
Stressed for success
Stress - it all starts with the 80 hour work weeks, and you’re still not getting ahead. Let’s face it, you’re feeling stressed pretty much every day. You never switch off.
Your dream has become a trap
Some days you’re thinking it’s probably easier to get a job - with a regular paycheque and, benefits and you don’t have to worry about where your next customer is coming from
You can’t pay your taxes
More than half of entrepreneurs feel anxious about cash flow. You may be behind on your taxes, or your bills, and paying yourself first is only a dream. It’s a constant worry
Planning? Who has time?
You’re so busy working IN your business, you can’t work ON your business. It feels like there isn’t a hope of getting ahead. You’re stuck on a treadmill and can’t see a way out.
Where do you go from here?
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