
Well, OK, maybe it’s not “what’s in it for me”, but what’s in it for you.

We’re all wired differently. I believe that everyone is unique with a wealth of talents, competencies and needs. I don’t subscribe to one-size-fits-all strategies. I’d much rather take the time to find out what motivates you, so I can use my 30 years of business experience to help you build a business that works well for you.

In other words, I’m with you every step of the way.

Remember when you thought business was all about doing the work and getting more customers - PERIOD? Well, I have to confess that when I started my first business, years ago, that’s what I thought too. Turned out I was great at sales and marketing, not so good at the rest of the things. I got overwhelmed, and before I knew it, I was scrambling. At one stage when I thought I couldn’t take any more stress, I even considered getting a j-o-b. Wow, I’m glad I didn’t. You see, a friend of mine talked me into going to a business advisor to fix my business, and that’s how I eventually learned about systems, processes, and yes, how money flows through a business.

The rest is history. I turned that business around, developed it into a highly successful, smoothly running machine and eventually sold it. At the same time I saw that many of my colleagues were hitting the same wall, figured I had some practical, first-hand knowledge and advice, took a coach training program, and for the past 25 years, I’ve been working with overwhelmed business owners just like us, back in control of their business. Everything I do is based on two things: building better business processes and making stronger business leaders.

Here’s what I learned

and here’s what you will learn too

Control It

It’s true, doing more of the same will just get you more of the same. I started with a fresh new vision for the business, and then came up with a plan to get there.

Manage It

I was amazed to find I had more time and energy with systems, automation and better time management. I was finally focusing on doing the right things instead of doing things right. Bye, bye overwhelm

Grow It

And, finally, I learned how to control the money by setting more realistic sales targets and finding better markets for much more manageable and sustainable growth.

It didn’t happen overnight for me, and it won’t happen overnight for you. Truth be told, you’ll come through the process a totally different person, and your business will thank you for it. And at the end of the day, you know what I really learned?

Nothing tastes sweeter than success.

I don’t teach you how to act like an entrepreneur. I teach you how to think like one.