Creating your business vision board is more than pasting motivational pictures onto a board, into a book or designing an online collage. When it comes to business, you want to have a clear two-part picture:

  1. What you want your business to do for you, and

  2. What you need to do for your business to make that happen.

In other words, this is more than dream-weaving, it’s focusing in directly on what has to happen this year to energize you and to remind you about why you got into business. It’s

a way to laser-focus on the stuff that really matters, so you can let go of the things that no longer matter.

Because we entrepreneurs are big picture thinkers, it makes sense to start visioning the year to come with a big picture - in other words, a business vision board. Once you have a clear picture, you may see things that need to happen in your business that you hadn’t seen before. You know what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words!